Recommend a small tube amp for bedroom use?

Looking for something small, not std 19" width. Maybe 1/2 width or smaller even. SET design with 300b tubes is preferred. This is for low volume listening in the bedroom. Any suggestions?
I've got an Acoustic Masterpiece AM-201 integrated from AirTight with EL84 tubes. Small footprint, handsome. Sounds superb. 22w per channel, can drive 88db speakers easily. A link:

I am looking for a small and affordable 300B, but I don't currently have high-sensitivity speakers
Bedroom speakers won't need more than a watt or 2.

Take a look at a small SET like decware. I'm using a pair in my bedroom system now.
Dared MP-30 integrated. i'm not optimistic that you're going to reconcile the issues of 300b/SET and 1/2 width chassis. EL84 SET is much more likely to fit your space requirement per the above recommendations.