SS quality pre-amp with HT bypass-suggestions?

I have a pair of Gallo Ref. 3.1 in a second system with a Denon receiver. I would like to add a solid state used pre-amp, under $2,000, for 2 channel enjoyment to mate with an Aragon 8008BB. I've seen a lot of tube recommendations for pre-amps but I want solid state for a number of practicality reasons. Who makes one with HT bypass that truly sings?
The McCormack RLD 1 is a great pre with HT bypass, there's one on audiogon right now.
See vonwaffen ad. He's selling a PS Audio GCP 200/GCPS.

It's the very best 2 channel pre you can buy under $2K. It has HT bypass, is fully balanced, has RCA/XLR I/Os AND polarity control on the remote!

Search PS Audio and you will find his ad
I too would go with the Capri. It is a very good preamp and a bargain of a price. It is not as good as an Aesthetix Calypso and I personally would take the ARC Reference 3 over it. But it was/is good enough that I was able to move down from the Calypso to the Capri with only minimal drop in performance and the benefit is that I can leave it on all the time knowing that I am not burning up an $800 pair of tubes.
Hi Ckoffend, could you describe in some detail the salient sonic differences you perceived between the Calypso and the Capri? Thanks, G.