Casouza, I hear you on the V-Caps, can be too much of a good thing, the reason I would hesitate to recommend them in this case. I wonder who manufacturers CJ's film caps?
Granting that what you say about transformers being band limited is true (I hear it), it would seem somewhat pointless to upgrade most vintage amps. These amps will never be able to reproduce those things I most like about the modern amp sound (I don't know about Phaelon), ie. the dynamics, immediacy and soundstaging. These things my Art Audio does magnificently, my CJ likely doesn't have a hope in these areas.
Granting that what you say about transformers being band limited is true (I hear it), it would seem somewhat pointless to upgrade most vintage amps. These amps will never be able to reproduce those things I most like about the modern amp sound (I don't know about Phaelon), ie. the dynamics, immediacy and soundstaging. These things my Art Audio does magnificently, my CJ likely doesn't have a hope in these areas.