Need Help Choosing a Tube Preamp for a Classe Amp

I have Thiel CS3.7 speakers and a Delta 2200 Classe amp. I'd like some suggestions for what tube preamps to audition to match with this amp/speaker combo. The Thiels are wonderful but unforgiving of things like tube rush and I have little interest in tube rolling or high maintenance. The Classe Delta is a fairly neutral SS amp. I'd rather not spend more than $3000 used...or is that unreasonably low? I've listened to the VTL 5.5 and was impressed.
Ditto choosing Mullard CV-4004's tubes for 12AX7/ECC83. Amperex white labels for 6922's.
I believe the higher end Classe' amps have DC protection circutry. I don't know if yours does too. If it doesn't and it's a direct coupled design, I believe you might want to consider using a direct coupled tube pre as any DC leakeage from some tube pres might cause damage to your amp.
I am using a ARC LS5 MKIII which has been modded by Great Northern Sound... good combo!
I ended up going with a conrad-johnson CT5. The teflon capacitors are amazing and the single triode approach was a nice match as well...just enough tube romance without sacrificing detail.