Next step: tube pre or tube power amp?

I own a Rotel pre/pro RSP-985 SS preamp and a matching Rotel 120 watt power amp. If I wanted to move into tubes, would I get better mileage out of a tube pre or tube power amp?

I love the convenience of the rotel preamp (remote, built in DACS etc) but I understand that a tube pre will have more impact than just a tube power amp. Is this correct?

Also, my speakers are 91db efficient. What wattage tube power amp would I need to drive them to medium/loud levels?


Steve - I had an Acoustic Plan SItar (hybrid integrated) a nice option to get the best from both worlds, Pathos has also some interesting options in that route.
Stevecuss: If you are now liking the idea of a tube integrated, I recommend you add Leben to your audition list. A SS integrated option that has a lot of "tube-like" sonic/musical character would be Luxman. Both are exceptional!
Stevecuss, since your source is a hard drive then you don't really need an integrated since your DAC will provide plenty of output (although you should probably keep the interconnect cables short). Plus your speakers are an easy load for almost any tube amp.

We offer a well-known amp called the M-60 that would drive these speakers easily, and we have a volume control option for it.

IOW, all you seem to need is a power amp that has volume controls at its input- might be a simpler way of doing things. If you add more inputs later, then a preamp would be a good idea.
I cannot believe that this whole discussion went by without anybody asking his room size, the kind of music he listens to and how loud? Those were the major considerations for me when I decided I wanted to go back to separates. For example, I have a 28x15x7 room, I like orchestral/organ music and I sometimes like it loud. For me to add tube power amps, we would be talking something along the lines of VTL Wotans (or the like), which are very expensive.

I bought an Audible Illusions 3. Hooked it up to my Pioneer receiver pre in/out circuit, which disconnected everything but the power amp section, and used the Modulus as a control amp. Never looked back. Also a preamp is not really speaker sensitive while a power amp is and must be matched to your speakers. Now I have Quickies V4's and the AI M3A. Just my 2 cents.