Is weight really mater?

If both amps are rated at 100wpc, in general, would one weight 100 lbs sounds fuller, more textures and juice, and is a “better” amp than the one weights only at 8 lbs? (Nope, I’m not comparing commercial PAs or Karaoke mixer systems.)
Mark Levinson No. 331 is weighted around 100 lbs while the amazing Jeff Rowland Model 102 is weighted shockingly at 7.4 lbs. Yup, you read right, “seven point four pounds”.
Can I use this factor for my determination?
In real life, bigger men will tend to lift bigger weights than tinny men, but how about electronic amplifications? Shouldn’t they too need bigger toroid transformer, bigger caps, bigger heat sinks, etc? What’s with the 8 lbs?
Please simplify much possible your comments so others (and I) would understand.
Speakers are smalll 6-ohm floorstanding Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home series. Thanks all.
Tvad or anyone: are heat sinks no longer an issue? Before oil went through the roof in the late 70s, upper end consumer amps weighed a ton; I've got Kenwood Supreme 600 from '77 that's 60 lbs: dual mono transformers and serious sinks. Has new technology bypassed that issue? Just curious.
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Power supply quality is common sense. I dont need to mention that, especially since it was already brought up. Same with transformers. Do the math...internal component total weight - jewelry = worth. Its simple. And no, Pass is a well respected designer.
Actually, I think it does MATER. But if you're a TINNY man the 100 lb amp might not be practical.
Gunbei, your dicktionary must be on the light side :0)

I've had a few of those D amps and never held on to them. Good ones too. I wish they were better because my home heating system works fine on its own.

I've always found class D to be a little glassy or polished. Not bright, but not right.