Amp for Dynaudio C1 Mcintosh 402 or Cary CAD 500?

This would be paired with a Cary SLP-05 preamp. The Dynaudio's would benefit from a JL Audio Fathom F113.

I also own some LS6's which are currently for sale. I'm betting the Mac would match well the the line arrays!
I know I'll regret this sale..

My current amps are Nuforce 9SEV2's in the upgrade queue for version 3 status. I don't think they are a good match for the C1's due to lack of any sort of defined bass. These are power hungry speakers.

Any thoughts?
IMO, no problem at all unless you regularly play big music at very high volume. I drove C1s for a while with the 60 wpc Ayre integrated and it worked out pretty well.
McIntosh 402 used & they hold their value for resale

JL-I recently got one. Run don't walk and purchase one. It is all you have heard and a bag of chips
The XA30.5 drives my Dynaudio Sapphires effortlessly and should handle the C1 with most source material in most rooms without a problem.

Dealer disclaimer.