biamping question

sorry, i accidently posted this under speakers. I have a pair of vtl mb 125 mono blocks at 125 per channel, i have ascendo c7 speakers which are power hungry at 87 db. i want to biamp, but am at a loss as to which amp to use with the vtls. Should i get another pair of vtl 125? or should i go ssolid state with more power for the bottom end and use the vtls for the mids and highs. Any input would be much appreciated
Yes, the more the merrier. But if you don't have anyway to control the output, you should make sure that the gain of the S/S should be the same as the Tube.

Contrary to widespread belief, passive bi-amping (which I assume is what you are envisioning) will not give you significantly more power, and in fact may give you no power increase at all. See the following thread:

If you use different amplifier models for the lows and the mid/hi's, you may also have a problem keeping the gains matched, as was stated. And you may degrade the sonics, at least slightly, if the two amps have differing sonic characters.

My suggestion is that you consider simply replacing the VTL's with something more powerful.

-- Al
Thanks for the help .. i am glad i did not buy the amp yet. i will sell my vtl and get something more powerful
thanks again