Wyred 4 Sound.....Anyone?????

Has anyone experienced Wyred 4 sounds stereo, multichannel or pre amp models. How do they compare to say, Parasound, Bryston, Nad, Boulder, Krell, Anthem, Cary Audio.etc??? Are they more geared to home theater or stereo or both??? Comments greatly appreciated..

Regards Bacardi
I had the ST1000 for a few months. Wonderful product. Does not sound like SS or tubes. As much as I liked its smoothness and power initially, it couldn't hold my interest in the long run. I think you are going to have to hear one for yourself and decide if the sound is to your liking. I bought mine on Agon useed and sold it easily with minimal loss. It was well worth the price of the audition.
I went from a Bryston 4Bsst to the Wyred ST-1000 and have not looked back. Extremely quiet, dynamic, excellent imaging, and runs cool (very important when you live in AZ where the summers hit triple digits regularly!). I was so impressed with the ST-1000 that I also bought an ST-500 and ST-250 for my surround channels.

As always, system integration and personal tastes rule the day, but I have been extremely satisfied with the Wyred 4 Sound amps and do not plan on changing anytime soon.
They are worth trying in many cases before jumping straight to more expensive monster SS amps.

Tube amp lovers will be less impressed I suspect but probably not any less than they might be with a big expensive monster ss amp, at least based on sound.

Not as pretty to look at as Mac gear for example for sure though.
For the moment tube will always sound better than SS. Why?
Heat control. Tubes can handle and dissipate heat more
efficiently than transistors which is why MOSFETS were developed in the 80's. The metal oxide in MOSFETS act as a heat sink allowing the transistor to perform at a lower temperature. Its just a matter of time when someone will invent the perfect transistor that can handle heat as well
as tubes, and when that happens tubes will become extinct.
However, the very, very expensive top SS Pre-amps in the world from FM Acoustics and Goldmund that sell for $50K and up to $150K, will bury any tube Pre-Amp on the planet.
Wyred 4 Sound as well as other companies using switching
modulation D amps, will probably advance forward enough technically over the next three years that their sonic qualities of their amps will surpass tubes. For the money,
Wyred 4 sound are currently the best ICE amps due to the 20% mods which result in a far superior treble and midrange.