Small-ish Speakers That Come Alive At Low Volume

domestic situation requires a smallish (monitor or bookshelf) speaker with most listening being done at low to moderate levels.

hoping to hear some recommendations for speakers that aren't too large and don't need to be played loud to really come alive.

preamp is Aesthetix Calypso; amp is Spectron Musician 3 mk2

many thanks,
The French have it - in addition to the Titus, I suggest the Focal Chorus 805V or 806V, although I don't recall if their ports fire to the front. I also like the Rega RS1 for this application (which, of course, is not French).
i'll second the rega rs1; a step up from there would be the pardigm sig s1 or s2, which also work very well near the wall.
I had the Cometes and got some 3A De Capos and found they do even better at low volumes than the Cometes especially with dynamics.
Hmm, those De Capos are interesting, 92db efficient and 9 ohm.

Apparently a bit pricier but very interesting at least on paper.