I believe mods are an excellent way to improve upon a component that is clearly lacking in some way.Tvad, I agree with your observations regarding the risk of screwing up something that a good designer spent a considerable amount of time to design and spec. The Lamm may therefore be a poor example to use for this case. However, there are other examples where equipment was designed to a price point limiting the cost of components, where the equipment is older and the available parts quality has improved since the original design, and where newer technology has become available (such as in power filtration and regulation). Those types of examples may be more applicable here. I plan to start with a couple of the names on the list, send some pictures of the insides of the preamp and power supply, talk with them about what they believe can may be accomplished, and then decide how/if I want to proceed.
I appreciate the names provided here, several of which I did not initially consider, and I also found benefit in the general discussion regarding the risks of modding equipment.