Tube Research Labs Dude vs. Shindo Labs preamps

I am in the market to look for a tube preamp. I have narrow down my choices to Tube Research Labs Dude and a comparable price Shindo Labs.

Can anybody provide me your experience to help me to make a better decision? Better yet, have anybody compared them side by side before?

Yes, Bill IMO is a good TRL ambassador. His is the voice (most times lone voice) of reason. I may not always agree with him on subjective opinions, preferences, etc., but there is no doubt what he is after in his system, has worked diligently to attain it, and he manages his convictions in these forums professionally.
Well said Bill.

4musica44107, you beat me to it. LOL. I wish my answer was yes. I would live to hear a Shindo rig. Any owners in Charlotte NC?

Gallant, I believe Tthean is in Dallas and I told him to contact either you or Huy. Any Shindo owners in Dallas, Vinyljh?
I sincerely hope all is well with the Shindo family after the devastation in Japan.Something like this makes you think of whats really important.
Aman Goldeneraguy!

I sent my regard to the owner of Amtrans in Tokyo immediately after the earthquake/tsunami, whom I purchased parts from for most of my projects. I finally got a reply from him 3 days later. (Normally he replied me immediately or within 6-8 hours, the latest.) I took the liberty to share the email with all of you:

On Mar 14, 2011, at 02:16 AM, togashi wrote:

> Dear Mr.TThean
> Thank you very much for your kind email.
> We Japanese thank for a rescue party from USA.
> My family and I are OK.
> It was hugest earthquake I've ever had
> And I have learned Tsunami is more horrible than earthquake.
> Even now, earthquake is continuing...
> Though nuclear power plants in Japan are out of order, it doesn't make big trouble, I believe.
> Now, I wish a peace of the world.
> Best Regards,
> Togashi

(At that time, the nuclear plants were still under control.)

I feel that the Japanese are a very grateful people. He is just a normal citizen and not any ranking government official, but the first thing that came out of his mind was to represent his country to thanks us for the help. This make me so proud of our country, and especially to the military. We should be thankful everyday for our lives and families that we have in this country. Yes, we should also remember the people in Japan in our pray as they are recovering from this tragedy. God bless America...