Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
My guess is that over time, this device will fade in the high end specialty arena but may become ubiquitous in mobile MP3 devices, HT processors and even TV's, phones and car radios. It might appeal more to the masses than to the high end purists. Time will tell.
But with that ability, my question is then, why do so many recording's sound so crappy?

Simple, laziness or incompetence. That combined with a new generation that prefers lossy and/or compressed files where quality is not a priority, but convenience is allowing the music to be played on hand held devices suitable for multi-purpose uses.
Thanks to all the responses on this thread. What I have derived from the messages I read was that, you can get very good sound from an untreated room using QOL, OR the QOL "effect" is like getting your room treatment in place, where everything sounds just like the recording engineer intended while recording the music. It was mentioned earlier that QOL throws the room out of equation. At the moment room treatment costs suits me more than the QOL. From the last few messages, it is also looks like room treatments will not be system or recording dependent, unlike QOL.
You detractors broaden my cheshire grin, especially those that quote reviews by others than themselves.
Agreed Marc777,

Seems like some are trying to find reasons not to embrace a new technology and show how they can try to skin a cat cheaper.

I find this a bit odd because most embrace the slight, if any, improvements we get from all the little tweaks we constantly purchase. Be it enhancement in sound stage, texture, room issues, or whatever, they are all benefits you get from correcting for phase and is what Qol is all about.

Health foods are often more expensive than fast food. This is because healthy foods complete the human needs...not just try to solve the short term issue of hunger for the next few hours. Qol completes the signal and is not designed to solve a specific issue with a track, system, or room.