Thoughts on 845 set monoblocks

Your preference and why.
Phaelon, I'm working on a purchase of Viva Aurora amps. I must sell my Classe Omega Omicron MK II, the dual monoblock (350w)single chasis version, before I finalize my purchase of the Viva amps. However, I can't seem to find the spec's for the Viva Aurora T amps ... anywhere?
If you want to know about a particular Viva amp, you can send the serial number to the US Distributor, Bob at Profundo and he can tell you all about it. He is very helpful!

Phaelon, when you hear back from your friend, can you forward the information to me as well? I own a Solista mkIII but have limited tube rolling experience with this particular amp, so any advise would be very helpful! Thanks!
When you get the Viva amps let us know how you like them. I only heard them at CES shows and they always sounded wonderful. I know you will love these. Enjoy
I agree with Jwm, the Viva with your Tannoys should sound excellent and with all genre of music. I hope you`re able to get them.