Thoughts on 845 set monoblocks

Your preference and why.
When you get the Viva amps let us know how you like them. I only heard them at CES shows and they always sounded wonderful. I know you will love these. Enjoy
I agree with Jwm, the Viva with your Tannoys should sound excellent and with all genre of music. I hope you`re able to get them.
I love tube amps, unfortunately I do not live near any Tube Audio dealers, so I have not been able to listen to any 845 S.E.T. Amps.

I love the look of these big tubes and would love to hear the following Amps:

New Audio Frontiers 845 SE integrated amp


Line Magnetic Audio 219IA integrated 845 tube amp

Both of these amps are gorgeous.

One day I may get around and find a dealer that has these and I happen to be in the area so I can take a listen.
My Tannoy Westminister Royal SE speakers arrived. My Soundlab M1 speakers, shipped for trade-in to the Tannoy dealer, were destroyed (dropped) by the shippers. The electronics (backplates) were not damaged. But now I have a question (also submitted tonight as a question in the spekaer forums). You have convinced me that a high-quality (Viva or equivilent) tube amp works best with the Westminister speakers. But I have a question regarding pre-amps with the Westminister speakers. The Soundlabs required a high-output power amp (Classe Omega Omicron) with a tube (ARC REF 5) pre-amp. Should I consider moving from my ARC REF 5 pre-amp to a high-quality solid-state pre-amp with my new Westminister speakers? If so, which solid-state pre-amp?