Warm Replacement for Adcom GFA 545 II

I recently upgraded speaker cables and interconnects in my system and it revealed harshness of the Adcom. My system: JM Labs Daline 3.1, Jolida 5t (upgraded), Moon 100 d DAC, and Apple Airport wireless. Cables are Audioquest 8 cv and Audioquest Diamondback. The brass instruments became too harsh and fatiguing to listen to. I listen primarily to jazz, vocals and classical. I would also consider an integrated amp and replace the Jolida. I have no particular budget, but do not want to spend more than would make sense in the context of the overall system. Thanks very much for the advice.
Unsound makes a good point, but I suspect that the Adcom is not quite up to the level of the other equipment you have. The Marantz integrateds with the HDAM module are good sounding, and I've found used Luxman or McIntosh power amps to be reliable and neutral.
07-01-12: Unsound
I think changing amps to compliment cables is altogether backwards.

That's not what he's doing. The upgraded cables improved signal transfer and in doing so revealed the shortcomings in the Adcom. Adcoms from that era are good so far as it goes (price/performance/reliability 20 yrs ago), but they only go so far before the unrefined treble gets to you.

Anyway, just about any reputable amp from the last decade will be an improvement over the 545 II. Look into something from Parasound, such as their Halo A23 , Classic 2125, or if 75 wpc will do, the Classic 275.
Thanks very much for the input. Johnnyb53 makes the point better than I did. Since the Adcom is now worh less than the speaker cable, it seemed time to upgrade. The Parasound Halo gets excellent reviews and seems reasonably priced. Would it work well with Jolida 5t? I have also seen the Marantz PM-15 S2 available still in my price range but twice the price of the Parasound. Which might be a better fit? The Luxman would be great but it's out of my price range.