McCormack DNA-1 vs. Adcom GFA-5802

Relative noob here. I'm looking for a new (used) 2-channel amp to power my new Polk LSi9 bookshelf speakers. I've pretty much decided that I want to get the McCormack DNA-1. I've considered the Parasound Halo 23, as well as the Adcom GFA-5802, but it sounds like the McCormack DNA-1 is the better amp, according to a number of folks (unfortunately, I'm unable to personally listen to any of them).

My question is this: if the McCormack is the better amp, why is it priced around the same place as the Adcom and the Parasound in the current used market? I realize that the Adcom has a bit more power, and Parasound has made some great amps, but people seem pretty unanimous in preferring the DNA-1 for sound quality. What gives? Am I missing something? Is the used market just not as rational as I thought it would be, or has the superiority of the DNA-1 to the Adcom GFA-5802, and the Parasound Halo 23, been overstated? Is it just a matter of taste? Preference for the DNA-1 seemed to transcend mere fanboy-ism.

Thanks for any input.
The McCormack may be an older amp but I doubt the one you buy on the used market will be 20 years old. In any case they are still completely supported by the designer, Steve McCormack at SMC Audio, so no fear there. The used market is fickle in the sense that you can ASK any price you want to. Unless you subscribe to Audiogon's bluebook, you don't know what they actually SELL for. I would be surprised if the average selling price were the same for the Adcom and Parasound amps but who knows (my subscription to the bluebook just expired).

The McCormack is a great amp with a well-deserved reputation. I own a DNA-0.5 (that I bought used) and it has served me well with absolutely no problems for years. But I know that, if I do have problems or just want to upgrade the amp, Steve will be there to fix me right up.
IMO-The McC is heads and heals above the Adcom to be sure-much more musical and life like presentation. I dont have experience with the Parasound, so I cant comment on that amp. With your speakers you might consider a DNA .5 Deluxe or modified versions. It should be ample power, costs a bit less and is considered by some to have better sound than the DNA 1. Good luck.
The McCormack is a great amp, a bit more musical than the Adcom and it should be a step up in sound.
Thanks for replies! I've thought about the age issue, but as Djohnson54 noted, Mr. McCormack is available for help if I need it. The Adcom isn't that much younger...I guess the Parasound is the most recent of the three.

More importantly, I'm hearing the same comments here that I've read elsewhere (a lot): the McCormack is just in a different class, in terms of sound quality.

I may try out the Parasound when it gets a little older (and cheaper). For now, though, I think I'm gonna go for the McCormack. I'll also take a look at the DNA .5 - thanks for recommendation, Tbromgard! The thing is, there are a few DNA-1s available at the moment, here and elsewhere, and one thing I've learned so far is that it may appear, at times, that certain items will always be up for sale...but that's not always the case...

In any case, thanks again for replies. Very helpful.