Pap, I couldn't open the link you provided. I am sure I don't have the new WE replica. The standard PSVanes, at a little under $200 a pair are mighty good tubes and in many respects takes the CSL forward as Charles stated. If the WE replicas are all you say in comparison to the std PSVane 101D's Charles and I have, well, that is going to be something special indeed. $600 a pair is getting a little pricey, but---the CSL is the heart and soul of my system. Gee, seems like you might have picked up a few extra pairs for your old buddies in the US! :)
I would say the attributes you listed describe well what I have experienced going from the Shuguangs to the PSVanes. Sounds like the WE's just go further. By the way, how many hours did you have on your standard PS Vanes? I must have 300-400 hours on mine by now and they are still improving.