Recommendations for Amp/speaker combo for $10,000

Looking for advice on an amp, pre amp, speaker combination for $10,000. Would like to try tube amps. Music only system. Listen to classical (symphonic, chamber), opera and jazz. Room size is 16' x 18'. Will use various digital and analogue sources.
I'm pretty sure that you won't take this recommendation seriously but here it is. Ayre V5, Ayre K5 and Vandersteen Model 2's.
I dunno, I think I would first identify speakers that sounded the best in my room. Then I would probably begin my search for an amp/premp combo that worked correctly with my speakers and the room in which they are placed.

After all, *everyone* here knows that the room/speaker interface is, BY FAR, the most critical metric used to obtain the best sound quality from any sound system. This is closely followed by using the very best source material available for the music I like to listen to.

After you get those parts of the system identified, you can then begin the search for the cables and such needed to eke out the last little bit of sound quality that you seek....

Agree with RW above, speakers and room match are critical early steps as is overall system matching.

Harbeths are balanced and revealing on jazz and classical and positioning is important.

If pre owned: Pass Labs XP-10, Ayre V-5xe, Harbeth C7-ES3

If new: LFD NCSE, Harbeth C7-ES3

These suggestions based on home audition in a similarly sized room.
TJM1964 -- You really have a ton of options in that price range. And you will obviously get many, many different thoughts from the group here. If you have the chance, I would certainly suggest going for a listen if you have any local dealers and pick what you think sounds best suited to your ears and musical tastes.

A few ideas on the tube side--

Cary SLI80

Rogue Tempest III

Rogue Stereo 90 and 99 preamp

Great speaker options to go with these above--

Joseph Pulsar

Tannoy Turnberry or DC8t/DC10t or Precision 6.4

Just a few ideas. I am a dealer for these brands.

Good luck!!