You took your Levinson 332 with hum to repair shop. No repair shop can repair your levinson with out the four 50000uF/125V caps and 1900uF/150V regulator caps. These caps are custom made that is why Levison charges over $2K.
Any lower value caps used the amp will blow up. There is a Levinson 332 on audiogon now. The cap replacement was done by me using Cornell caps. Only Cornell Dubilier and United Chemicon makes these caps.
You took your Levinson 332 with hum to repair shop. No repair shop can repair your levinson with out the four 50000uF/125V caps and 1900uF/150V regulator caps. These caps are custom made that is why Levison charges over $2K.
Any lower value caps used the amp will blow up. There is a Levinson 332 on audiogon now. The cap replacement was done by me using Cornell caps. Only Cornell Dubilier and United Chemicon makes these caps.