Jolida components: Seems to be many for sale ?

I have always wondered if there is a glut of ONE manufacturers components, or one particular model on the market, then those products or models are either mediocre in performace, or poorly designed. No one should asssume, they just have a high resale value

Even before AG changed its format, I noticed a lot of Jolida amps, integrated amps, etc for sale. In my opinion, they make too many components, or new revisions of a previous model.

So what type of quality do Jolida products provide, especially their hybrid integrated amps?? I ask because I want to buy a "USED" Jolida 1501RC integrated amp for my nephew who will graduate college in less than one month. I think the price is right, but know hardly anything about this model. The amp is 100RMS and should be enough to drive Boulder Dam; I might just give him an almost brand new pair of Music Hall Marimba speakers (cha-cha-cha) that are slightly damaged in the back.

Will appreciate all advice and comments ASAP because I need to pull the trigger on the sale soon. Thanks
Mullard 12AX7 are under $20 each at the Consider switching out the tubes mandatory.
I've owned a Jolida tubed cd-player for about a decade now, averaging two hours of use a day. Great sound w/o a single problem. The all-steel remote is still the most dangerous weapon in my house.
Love my Jolida 102-B think i paid around 525.00 maybe 9 ,10 years ago.Cant beat it for the price.
I know this is off topic a bit but has anyone seen or heard The new Jolida fusion/dac? Its not on their website and Jolida said it is replacing the JD100 cdp. Thanks!