Wilson Alexia - what's the competition

The critics seem to love it, but what's the crowd's view vs. competition probably Focal Maestro Utopia, Vivid Giya, etc?

And has anyone heard this without the cost no object slew of electronics and cables that Wilson uses at shows? The Stereophile show report listed these $45k speakers being shown with about $350k worth of electronics and cables...the cables were well over twice the price of the speakers! Anyone heard them with slightly more humble accompanying kit?

I really don't understand why you feel the need to question what I hear. It's pretty simple, you have your preference and I have my preference. You say many people don't describe Rocport's they way I do. I submit many people on blogs have never heard most of what they talk about. In addition, I believe many people jump on bandwagons and describe speakers exactly like everyone else. Speaker X are "Natural", they "slowly draw you into the music." Speaker X is forward sounding. I draw conclusions based on what I hear, I could care less what brand speaker I'm listening to. Again, it's great you love Rockports, but my opinion is just as valid as yours.
(((Audioconnection, Do you mean Transparent cables are laid back and dark sounding in an absolute sense)))
Yes in an absolute sense..
But that doesn't mean what you have found to work in your system isn't a good fit for you.
Best JohnnyR
Give the Shelby+Kroll Reference Standard Monitor 1.0 and Reference Woofer Monitor 1.0 a serious look.
Bruce Brown of Puget Sound Studios has recently published a review on Stereo Mojo and compared them to the Alexia.
Here is a quote from the review:

" In the middle of the review I took delivery of the new Wilson Alexia’s. Shelby+Kroll boasts great things about their speakers and they had the temerity to ask me to compare them to my new $50,000 speakers. Heck, their website compares their speakers to $100,000+ models!


Like Muhammad Ali and Deion Sanders, it ain’t trash talkin’ if you got the skills to back it up! Let me tell you folks, the Shelby+Krolls speakers got SKILLS! The system didn’t run with its tail between its legs; no, it stood there toe to toe with the best. Granted, the Alexia’s weren’t fully broken in, nor were they in their final position and spiked, but the Shelby+Kroll speakers didn’t get embarrassed. I could easily live with these speakers and that’s is not something I say often. I am very picky! I’m a professional audio engineer. Speakers are not just a hobby for me.

They may not be quite as dynamic or play as loud as a full range tour de force, but played within their limitations which are minor, you can’t get any better… Period."

You can check out the full review here:


Disclaimer : I am in no way affiliated with Shelby+Kroll loudspeakers, just a very enthusiastic owner answering a thread.
