SACD remasters- any better than CD version?

I have recently changed from an Ayre CX-7 to the Oppo 105 in my system which is straight forward balanced stereo into an Ayre AX-7 with Proac's 2.5

I have a variety of SACD hybrids and indeed the new and very expensive SACD version of Floyd's Wish You Were Here.

That particular disc is imho not as pleasing sonically as the Gold Mastersound version from years ago...came in the long box...and it is not as good as the last remaster either-smoother yes but lacking in dynamics imho.

The new Mobile Fidelity version of Dylan's Blood On The Tracks is probably the best digital version of that album but the differences between the CD layer and SACD layer are marginal-just different not better.

And that's a theme I hear time and time again...SACD doesn't really seem to bring anything to the party other than a smoothness and I would say that actually sounds a tad dull in most cases.

Indeed I think most interesting on the Oppo through my system is that HDCD's seem to give the best sonic replay-deep sound
stages and loads of detail.

Is it fair to say SACD has not made any of the classic recordings of the rock era sound any better?

Or are there discs I am missing out on?
The only answer I can come up with for your question, "SACD remasters- any better than CD version?" is, maybe/maybe not. The idea of something sounding better than something else is purely subjective and you really have to hear it for yourself to make that decision.
Just picked up the BS Paranoid SHM SACD and have Master of Reality on the way. Master of Reality is said to be the better sounding version. It will be here Tuesday.

If you have an Oppo 105 and you like old rock then I suggest you pick up the blu-ray version of Rush 2112. Pretty cool!
Just for clarity in terms of redbook the Oppo is better than the Ayre CX-7 in my opinion-I still have both-My CX-7 though has not had any of the upgrades it is the plain vanilla version and now near ten years old. I deeply love the Ayre equipment I wish I could afford their universal player.

I think in terms of SACD versus CD to use it as the standard is a fair measure.

I've been pleasantly surprised to see much agreement on what I hear-thanks.
It all depends on the mastering. Some examples:

I have the Japanese SACD versions of Rumours and Hotel California, and both are absolutely outstanding and certainly don't lack dynamics. The Japanese SHM-SACD of John Barleycorn Must Die is also excellent - Capaldi's drums sound like they're in the room. All three of these SACDs blow away prior CD versions IMO - in the case of Rumours, the SACD is better even than the early 80s Japanese CD with the "20P2" designation (side hint: if you like Led Zeppelin, the 20P2 series is absolutely the way to go. They feature Barry Diament's mastering and are far more crankable than the 1990 remasters or the 2008 SHM-CDs. Think bass! The early Japanese CD version of Dark Side of the Moon is also great).

OTOH, while hyper-detailed up top, the recent MoFi SACD of the Doobie Bros. What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits lacks bass impact and tonal richness compared to the 1990 CD. I also prefer the MoFi Quadrophenia CD version from 1991 to the 2012 Japanese SHM-SACD - the SHM-SACD does a better job with Moon's drums and Daltry's vocals are more upfront, but it doesn't hit with as solid an impact as the MoFi.

The Steve Hoffman forums are a really good place to go for more of this sort of conversation. Lots of anal classic rock aficionados there dissecting all kinds of releases.
cpu;d ot be that the smoothness that people report hearing on sacds is a removal of digital nastiness, and that the sacd , therefore sounds more like real instruments.

many redbook cds, have an exaggerated treble, which does not appear on many sacds. one may get used to the treble response , which may not be natural and suggest the sacd is rolled off, when instead, the cd may be elevated in the treble, on some recordings.

there is one famous engineer/designer who asserts categorically that pcm is superior to sacd. he is kevin halvorsen. he has designed amps and digital products, as well as engineered recordings.