Django Reinhardt.

Can any one recommend a good cd as an introduction to
Django Reinhardt? I would like to explore his music further and would like an audiophile recording if possible.
Hmm, audiophile and Django Reinhardt don't necessarily fit in the same sentence, since even the best recordings have some problems, but here's a few I think are great:

Jazz in Paris: Nuits de Saint-Germain des-Prés --an excellent live show with good recording quality off the Gitane label

Peche à la Mouche -- 2-disc set from Verve that's got good quality and excellent music. This is pretty amazing

The Quintette of the Hot Club of France -- A classic, but varied quality

The Complete Django Reinhardt & Quintet of the Hot Club of France Swing-- This is the Mosaic 6-disc collection, and if you can find it it's the best combo of music and recording value. This is my pic, but it's as much a total immersion as it is an introduction

Of Course, there's the huge "Djangology" box set (like 10 cds!) but I haven't myself gotten it, so can only venture a guess.

If you like this kind of music, then I'd seriously recommend you track down "The Rosenberg Trio: Live at the North Sea Jazz Festival" A great live show, a great recording, and amazing musicians. Definitely worth a listen (especially they're version of "Minor Swing")
Go to music and check out the samples, it might give you a better feel for what you like.
I have some Bireli Lagrene who is basically a carbon-copy of Django, he ventures into other styles through his albums.
His guitar playing is phenomenal, check him out too.
The only Django recordings that I've found that were remotely "audiophile" were the early Mercury and Clef 10 inch vinyl.

As Mimberman stated, " ... audiophile and Django Reinhardt don't necessarily fit in the same sentence".

It is a damn shame.

Jack Seaton
Let me add that if you like Django you probably like Stephan Grapelli, his violin player, as well, and there is an absolute ton of well-recorded Stephan Grapelli records out there. Because his career was so much longer than Django's many of his recording are more modern, cleaner, with a lot less hiss. I have several nice discs on the Black Lion label and I'm sure there are many others. Happy listening!
I posted the text below in another thread (ie, "Favorite recent discovery"). I highly recommend Duane Andrews, and the recording quality of his cd is excellent. I also recommend the 4 box set "Django in Rome". It's well worth the money ($20 @, recording quality notwithstanding.

Finally - thanks for this thread, and the posts above - I am also looking for more Django recommendations.

I was in Nova Scotia this summer, and while in Halifax the annual Jazz East jazz festival was playing. I caught one night only which opened up with Duane Andrews. He's a Django Reinhardt follower, and his playing was mezmerizing. I bought his CD (he only has one out) and it's been in regular rotation since.
Since I enjoy his music so much I decided to check out his primary influence - Django, with whom I was previously unfamiliar. I bought the box set "Django in Rome" and it's great - 4 CD's, over 4 hours of live music, though it has the 40's era recording tone - kind of "tinny" sounding.
If anyone is aware of good (ie at least near-audiophile) recording quality offerings from Django, I'd appreciate a recommendation.
If interested in hearing samples of Duane Andrews - he has a web site: As far as I know, the only way to get his cd is at one of his shows, or from his web site. If you do the latter, don't be surprised if it taks a long time to arrive. Mine took over 4 weeks. I think the distribution firm he uses is small, unless they had to print up more copies.