What Was Thrown Off the Tallahatchie Bridge?

Think back, think way back... it's 1967 and the voice on the AM starts:

It was the third of June,
another sleepy, dusty Delta day.
I was out choppin' cotton
and my brother was balin' hay.

Midway through the song the preacher says the other day he saw a girl with Billy Joe throwing something off the bridge. What was thrown? Anybody from Choctaw Ridge have an answer?

BTW, the real Tallahatchie Bridge collapsed in 1972.
I saw an interview with Bobbie Gentry a few years ago and the question was asked of her. She wouldn't give a straight answer, I got the impression that she enjoyed the controversy surrounding the question. Kinda like the speculation on who was Carly Simon referring to in "You're so Vain"