What 'entrance' music?

If you could play one piece of music everytime you walked through your front door, what would it be?
My family knows that I'm partial to 'Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks', but it seems, we just aren't seeing eye to eye on this one. (ahem).
Well, if only for fun and given the majestic theme I'd go with one of:

1) "Hail to the chief"
2) Elgar's "Pomp & Circumstance"
3) Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries"
Entrance of the Gods to Valhalla (from Das Rheingold of Richard Wagner)
I enjoy my privacy so Om by John Coltrane will clear a room in five minutes at full volume.
I asked my wife. She suggested "The Stripper" by the David Rose Orchestra. Whoops, gotta go. I hear hear car in the drive now!
