Has everyone heard the Waif's?

Just wanted to make sure that everyone interested in folk, altcountry, Americana, etc music had checked out the Aussie band the Waif's. I was turned onto them a few years ago by my downstairs neighbor who hailed from Oz. I bring them up because I just threw on their fairly new (2005) live album, A Brief History of the Waif's, and it's so unbeleivably good I can't imagine anyone not liking it. Admittedly I may be a bit biased since I love this band, but I urge you to check them out. Either the live album mentioned already or their studio album Up All Night. Hopefully you'll thank me!
Thanks for joining in! It's too bad that it's so hard to get folks to participate in a music thread here. I mean if this thread was about "equipment brand x" there'd be at least a half dozen posts already. Sad but true.
haven't heard them yet, but this thread is a helpful reminder. seems like i saw a favorable mention in one of the british hifi mags about them (maybe within the last year or so?) and if memory serves dylan noticed them and was impressed enough to include them in one of his tours. i put them on my mental list then, but that sticky note fell off the fridge somewhere in my mind i guess.......
I also was not familiar with them until recently. I had downloaded a few songs from the brief history disc, loved it and just bought the whole damn thing. If they ever come to my area I would definately travel to see them live.
The Waifs are great...just saw them here in Boston a couple of months ago. Definitely worth checking out, both on disc and live.