Best Rock Drummers

I've seen most of them and by far the two that stand out are Neil Peart of Rush and Ceasar Z. of Golden Earring. For non-rock I would say it's a no brainer with Buddy Rich.
copeland and baker are percussionists, ringo and charlie Watts are 'unsung' rock drummers ever...Don Stevenson (MOBY GRAPE) and Mitch Mitchell
Ritchie Haywood of "Little Feat"!
The man plays,jazz,rock,creole, funk,blues signatures equally well!
Sometimes all in the same song!
I'm sorry but I believe 'you' plural have it backward:
I would rate Bill Bruford (listen to "One of a Kind"), Carl Palmer, Terri Bozzio and Pierre Moerlin (Gong) above Neil Pert and Bonham... however I suppose if we're talking ROCK as opposed to Prog. Rock or Jazz-rock then I can see your point.