You shouldn't have much trouble getting free downloads by following Rlwainwright's advice, but if you feel the need to spend money, there are also downloads available through the Grateful Dead website: as well as the Apple iTunes store. If you go via iTunes be aware that you can only get it in a lossy format, ie., it won't be as good as Flac. I've heard a few of the official downloads and a couple from circa 1976 and 1977 were pretty good shows (depends what you like though). Or, if you want to buy my cassette tape collection, send me an email. I don't listen to my tapes anymore, lack the time to transfer them to digital, and was thinking of trying to sell them on ebay. Probably have about 50 plus shows, give or take, many are audience tapes though there are some decent soundboards in there too. Just don't know what to do with them these days since I don't even have a cassette player except in my car. Anyway, good luck and let us know what shows you find and like.