Beating the RVG Horse

I wanted to throw yet another question out there related to the Rudy Van Gelder re-masters.

If you read any of the previous threads on this topic you might recall that I'm not a huge fan of the sound quality, generally finding the recordings to sound thin and tinny.

Ordinarily I try to stay away from the tone controls on my pre-amp, or as Rotel calls it “tone contouring” (I guess it’s sort of an internal EQ with four pre-set levels plus neutral). I try to stick with the sound as originally recorded on the grounds of trying to get a sound as true to originally played as possible. I do confess that this position is born out of some sort of ‘don’t mess with mother nature’ philosophy rather than any consideration to whether or not it sounds any better. Neurotic or not, I generally equate these things to touching up the Mona Lisa because you don’t like the color of the dress.

On the other hand, I have recently started playing around with the tone control on my pre-amp and found that –particularly with some of these thin RVG recordings, they do help to fill out the sound, even if it is by artificially boosting the bass.

Anyone have any thoughts on this kind of fiddling?
The best sounding Blue Notes are from the end of the 1500 series around 1957. Try any of the following:

Coltrane - Blue Train
Lee Morgan - The Cooker
Cliff Jordan - Cliff Craft
Sonny Clark - Cool Struttin'
Lee Morgan - Candy
Lou Donaldson - Takes Off
Lou Donaldson - Blues Walk
Cannonball Adderly - Somethin' Else

Is anyone taking into account that most of the RVG remasters are reproducing ACOUSTIC BASS not electric? Most of the one's on my system sound fine and as far as fiddling with the knobs what you are doing is replicating the old loudness switch that was on so many stereo's back in the day. If I want golly gee wiz bass I just turn it up or purchase amps that have enough current to move the woofer speakers at low volumes.
03-01-07: Qdrone
Is anyone taking into account that most of the RVG remasters are reproducing ACOUSTIC BASS not electric?

I would assume that anyone into 1950s-60's jazz knows that these recordings feature acoustic bass. The criticisms of the remasters have nothing to do with that or with any desire to to try to make electric sounding bass out of these by "fiddling". It's about comparing the recent RGV remasters to previous CD releases and the original LPs. The sound of the remasters is noticably sterile compared with all previous releases.
Started another good thread here.

I'm not trying to boost the bass to the point that it is obtrusive or bloated. What I am trying to do is boost it enough to fill out the sound, which in turn reduces the tinnyness of some of these recording. And yes, although it is a pre-set eq in my pre-amp, it is simply a more advanced version of the old fashioned 'loudness' button.
Anyway we slice it when alot of this stuff gets re mastered it sounds different. I mean there is at least 4 different remasters of some of these CD's. I have some recordings of original Eric Dolphy on Vinyl and compared to the Out There and Outward Bound 24 bit remasters the sound has lost some of it's throatyness,some warmth. But they still sound good and if the word sterile is used I prefer cleaner.