Anyone going to see the Police?

The prices for decent seats at some of these shows is staggering. That said, I cannot miss them, they are one of my favorite bands of all time. It was really good seeing them play together at the Grammy's. Anyway, just thought I'd see what everyone thought of the tour.
My wife wants to see them real bad. Me, not so much.
We saw Sting on his last tour and he was less than impressive. Maybe it was a bad night for him. Annie Lennox opened for him; she blew me away!
As it's the wife that wants to go, it'll probably happen. The ticket prices are outrageous though.
I've got a pair of tickets to see them in Miami, but it's at the Dolphin's stadium and up in the nose bleed section. They were $90 each plus processing. I think it was $207 in total. Just being there will be enough for me. If they sound good that will be a plus, but I've always got my living room for that!
Passed on The Police at Dolphins Stadium and went with Al Jarreau & George Benson at a more intimate venue.
I was a teenager when this band was popular in the early 80's.
They were no big deal then and even less of a deal now. I guess music is so mediorce nowadays people are holding on to their memories for better or worse.
Wmcmanus, your point about the living room is well taken. The soound at large event concerts is not the point at all. Concerts are all about the event, the emotion, even the crowd for me. If getting lost in good sound is the aim, then my listening room is the place for me.