music these days....

I was flipping channels today and noticed a show where Beyonnce was being interviewed.

She stated without hesititation and with comfort and conviction something to the effect that "when I write music I feel more empowered than I could be in real life"

So, the last I checked, Beyonnce has about ZERO % influence on her music, I have no doubt that she writes the lyrics, but writing lyrics aint on the same level as writing music or creating music.

Most lyrics these days could be written by a 12 year old.

Is it just me, but does this bother you? It bothers me, because it provides too much underserved credibility to todays "artists". I think if you take the average person, especially a 15 year old, they can't make the distinction or perhaps don't care enough to investigate. I feel this opens the door to every talentless Joe or Jane (see American Idol tryouts) who thinks they can do the same which could answer why we are in this sad state of Popular Music these days.
It is my opinion that young people today live in a state of abject artistic poverty. At least in my day some pop 'artists' ATTEMPTED to explore, aspire, push creative limits; porgressive bands like Yes, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, King Crimson, Genesis, Renaissance and others could at least LEAD you (if you had a thirst for more) to Classical music or Jazz.
Dwarves on the shoulders of giants... telling the rest of us what's on the horizon...



Stop hatin', justlisten...or not.

One thing I have found is that if music is not from our generation, our moment of connectedness we tend to be more critical, it's always been that way. To the kids of this generation it makes sense to them, it's their music, lifestyle and culture. Look back at every decade and you can find plenty to love and dislike about the music of that time. But ask the majority the people who grew up in that time and they will tell you it was the best music ever.

So basically, you're getting old : )
As you look back twenty years from now on her statement recordings by Brittney Spears,Beyoncee, Cristina Agulara and others are what it is; Music that was meant to sell to the masses. look at Madonna,her music is already ancient memory. But hey Elvis didn't write lyrics OR music and he still is talked about so go figure. I mean to me Roy Orbison was the real king,he wrote,composed and sang his own stuff. No music will never be the same,it's all about image more so than ever because of MTV.