Have to agree with Shadome on this. I've f ound since Moving Pictures that not only their recordings but their live concerts have had numerous problems with overcompression and different levels of loudness even within the same concert performance. Live In Rio is infamous for this, where the sound quality gets much better halfway through the concert (on 5.1 DVD). Wish they would find a more competent recording engineer/company to do their recordings and live performances!! The company that does Peter Gabriel's live performances is excellent (Real World Productions), wish they would do Rush's live concerts! It's such a shame because theyre such a great, talented band, including who i believe to be a great rock drummer who plays with intelligence and energy (Peart). Being a former bass player, I listen to Geddy's bass line with great interest, but find his bass lines usually recorded way back in the mix (even on different pressings of the same vinyl or CD). It's a shame to think that such a great b and has been ill-served by the recording outfit.-Mrmitch