Rush in 5.1 surround

I was just wondering how Rush fans were reacting to the new album being released in 5.1 Hi rez? I know there was alot of controversy over the final production of Vapour Trails and complaints it was recorded to loud and distorted. I kinda liked it! and I can hardly wait for Snakes and Arrows.
Shardone, my favorite live album..I agree the band sounds very, very tight. This is probably due to the fact that they picked the best of several shows for this album. It is considered a very over produced album,(especially by the band).

As far as R30, I was wondering maybe my hearing is based on my system. Don't get me wrong it is great for ht, but I believe on certain things ( dvd concerts) It may come up a little short in certain areas.... So to review my assesment of R30. "Its the best sound and video the band has put out that I have heard on my system.

P.s. Your system is very impressive by the way.....
Have to agree with Shadome on this. I've f ound since Moving Pictures that not only their recordings but their live concerts have had numerous problems with overcompression and different levels of loudness even within the same concert performance. Live In Rio is infamous for this, where the sound quality gets much better halfway through the concert (on 5.1 DVD). Wish they would find a more competent recording engineer/company to do their recordings and live performances!! The company that does Peter Gabriel's live performances is excellent (Real World Productions), wish they would do Rush's live concerts! It's such a shame because theyre such a great, talented band, including who i believe to be a great rock drummer who plays with intelligence and energy (Peart). Being a former bass player, I listen to Geddy's bass line with great interest, but find his bass lines usually recorded way back in the mix (even on different pressings of the same vinyl or CD). It's a shame to think that such a great b and has been ill-served by the recording outfit.-Mrmitch

What is your favorite sound quality Peter Gabriel DVD?

Have you tried Black Eyed Peas Sydney to Vegas...rather different genre I know but believe me Tal Herzberg did an amazing job on the recording (it really really sounds live like you are there!) and if you like groovy drumming then Keith Harris is a new young drummer on the rise, IMHO.
First, I owe Shadorne an apology for mispelling his handle-sorry about that!! To address your question,Shadorne, Growing Up Live and Secret World Live are my f avorite DVD's by Peter Gabriel. His daughter Melanie sings harmonies and a few solos on Growing Up Live, and as always has the awesome Tony Levin with him on bass and David Rhodes on guitar as well as other side-persons. An added benefit besides the musicality, which i'm sure Gabriel f ans will attest to, is he puts on a good show. I've been a huge fan of his since his days in early Genesis. And yes, the Black Eyed Peas Sydney to Vegas I caught at a friend's house-it 's an excellent recording of a live event. I should add that in light of what I said a bout the Rush DVD's, I realize that a live recording is rarely up to what can be achieved in studio, but some outfits have managed to do this rather well, and Gabriel's crew are just one-would be interesting to hear from the rest of you on what recording outfits you feel do justice to recording groups live in concert!-Mrmitch
Zignot, I have just tuned in after getting my PC up an running again and I have the following comments to make. I find that I am to big of a fan to criticize any of there work but I as far as the timing goes I am baffled. I have allways found the band to be tight and on the money. All of the recordings are excellent and yes Exit Stage Left is a little more analogue sounding. I actually find Rush in Rio and the R 30 tour to be excellent recordings. But I think after reviewing both of your systems, it probably does have something to do with the set ups we have. And by the way, can I see a close up of the Hemispheres autographed pic on the wall? That is awsome.. I heard Rush may be putting out 5.1 SACD's of there older stuff, I wonder what happend to that project, sure would have been nice..