Most Influential American Musician of All Time?

Who do you regard as the most influential (i.e., musically, not necessarily commercially) American musician of all time across all genres?

The more I learn about Louis Armstrong, the more I am persuaded that he deserves that honor.
W.C. Handy. First to use the 12-bar blues which underlies most of the music genres. Chuck Berry turned it into rock and roll and the rest is history from there.
There is no 'greatest'.

There are people who define an era or particular kind of music.

Analogtroll beat me to the naming of one: Woodrow Wilson (Woody) Guthrie.

Then, of course there are the big-time commercial successes like Bernstien and Gershwin and Armstrong.

Someone mentioned the Beatles...which are, of course one of many British Bands that introduced White America to The Blues.

Thank you, everybody for leaving Irving Berlin out of it.

Ah, let the controversy roll....(and rock!)
Bill Monroe - perhaps the only undisputed creator of a genre of music and who is in the bluegrass, country and rock n roll halls of fame. Honorable mentions - Jimmie Rodgers and Les Paul.