How to find Good Pressings

Hi; I am wondering if someone could suggest a good book, web page, article or any other source that provides information on how to find or identify good pressings. I am getting a little frustrated purchasing records that end up being lemons. Sometimes we just dont have time to audition and it would be nice to learn some of the tricks of the trade when it comes to vinyl digging. I am sure many vinyl lovers feel my pain, so help me out and give some advice to the newbie. Thanks.

This is the best post I can remember reading in a long time! Cheers,

Have to agree elizabeth r u single? Ha pretty much nailed what 2 look 4 or not in the wacky used world now in terms of sonic integrity go 2 mofi archives site under lps u might not care 4 all artists but if mofi took the time chances r its good sound then find orig pressing using above methods enjoy
Also no matter how cheap or if some prostitute offers her services 4 free no air supply! Come 2 think of it i own 2 as lps no wonder im out of cigs n booze if u go used go jazz or classical cheaper n cleaner lps in general
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It would never workout i worship keith richards n all i own is a yorx stereo complete with toaster n blood pressure cuff i dream of a bose radio