Wither Jimmy Page?

In listening to the Old Zep classics I can't help but wonder why this guy's talent (which is immense) never accompanied him in his later years (look at Jeff Beck or Jorma Kaukonen for examples). Is it me or does it seem like he just dropped off a cliff? I know he's still making music but does any of his more recent stuff shine like his early stuff?
Raising Sand illustrates just how moronic and irrelevant the Grammy Awards have become.

Shame on Robert Plant.

artistry is inspiration, not experience.

i recall hearing a famous director (might have been lucas) tell a class of film students that because they haven't started, and everything was a blank slate, that they were far more likely to make a great film than he was at this time.

and as prior poster affirms, money = comfort, and art needs sharp edges.

it amazes me that tom waits still does it, but then again, if you listen to his lyrics (and his statements about selling songs to corporations), he obviously doesnt care at all about money

an incredible guitarist in his time, which is passed
Page is/was one of the most innovative blues/rock guitar ARTISTS with Zeppelin and ws an irreplaceable part of that group.

Emphasis on ARTIST. He did things with Zeppelin that no body else thought of or did at the time, as did the group as a whole. Their's is a very unique body of work.

That is what Jimmy Page will always be known for. What else can he do now that won't pale in comparison?
the pact with the devil ran out in 1976 ;-)

seriously, page used to have three or four classic riffs in every zep song

by the firm, cloverdale, etc - there wasn't any magic
believe me, he was trying

his live playing with P/P was inspired
he really needs a good muse

he has faded when others kept on producing
Who is still doing inspired work after their former brilliant work while using. This isn't to say you don't see flashes of the old brilliance but by and large, there's a period and after everything's cleaned up... ther goes the music.
Who is not?
Paul Westerburg
Paul McCartney
Eric Clapton
Jimmy Page
David Gilmour
et. al.