
The latest issue of Absolute Sound has a list of 15 or so tweaks that they say are worth doing. I would like to get some feedback from others about 3 of them.

1. Grounding Caps for unused preamp inputs.
2. Equipment anti-vibration devices such as Vibropods.
3. Aligning interconnects and power cords so that they cross at right angles to each other. (This sounds like a very difficult thing to arrange).
Albert, with your two systems you need the new CanineCall™ Signature Edition which handles not only all the audio gear in your house, but all electronic appliances as well. The early reports of the toasters growing hair on them are all a vicious lie started on Twitter by an anonymous Twit. Yes, you get all the systems covered, the appliances, the hair growth, and your johnson brought back from the dead all for the unbelievable price of only $99.95 + tax and nominal cellular charges. My dog is standing by...well, actually he's out playing in the yard, but he'll come when I call him...sometimes.
It's refreshing to see some folks still have a sense of humor.Now,what was that number again?????
You want to make sure that none of your power cables are touching your interconnects or speaker cables. None.
The list of tweaks for CDP is endless. Here's another article on free tweaks. Long but interesting. More importantly it's free. : )
Grounding plugs I will buy, and various vibrations pucks, pads and cones help but crossing interconnects are right angles????? Save your breath. I have some magic dust that changes the humidity and lets your speakers breath with more depth. It costs only $25 per ounce. Email me if interested