This sucks

I just liquidated my old system [] and replaced it with the follwing: Marantz SA8260 (on Mapleshade Surefoot), to Purist Audio Maximus ICs, to Cary 300SEI (on Mapleshade Heavyfoot with PS Audio Lab I PC and Sophia 300b) to Blue Dragon headphone cable to Senn HD650. There is NO bottom end and the whole soundstage sounds smeared and just overall horrible. What the hell was I thinking?? Is there a link in my current chain that might be causing this?? Is this the best I can expect from my headphone system?
Remember you're replacing a speaker that has highly authoritative bass and soundstaging.

As a 4JR owner, and former 300SEI owner, I would highly reccomend a pair of VR-2s. They work extremely well with the 300SEI. I've often thought about going back to this system. It was excellent.

You hopefully just need to give it time to break in. Dont do anything(else)hasty till youve given it a bit of time. Good luck...
yep,been there & done that but try not to bum out too much,the only way to really learn anything about matching gear for a great sounding rig is to try different things & they dont always work out as planned,for any of us.

You need to let us (or your dealer,therapist,etc) why you wanted to go from such a differnet transducer i.e the Von Schweikerts to a headphone?If it were and issue that you needed quiet in the house you might have done what a fellow did in a virtual system recently posted which was ditch the he man rig and go for a Cain&Cain with nearfield drivers and flea power since he wanted to listen at lower levels because he just had a baby and wanted lower volume without sacrificing dynamics.Break in maybe as suggested.A swap out hear or there to get what you want MIGHT do it but maybe you thought it was going to sound like $20K Senheisser tube unit.Though different in a variety of how music is recieved some folks for years insisted that electrostatic headphones (usually STAX) were THE BEST and PUREST way to listen to music.Me I'd rather a basic $10K rig with maybe Maggies or the new Quads or better yyet the plethora of $20K speakers from Ariel or $100,00K set up's by Martin Logan or Wilson.Maybe Chucki has the bestb idea for you.Of if you can swing the new model 99 (?) Von S speakers made for the SET crowd.On the cheap there are some well regarded $500 Omega's using Fostex drivers though the Cain & Cain while tall have a small print and everybodyn loves 'em especially for the price.My guess is no cable,interconnect,or headphone will make you happy.
Sympathy and best of luck rising from the ashes