What would you buy next?

Here's where I am at so far:
Mcintosh MC352
Tyler Acoustics PD-80's with built in sub amps
Monster 2100 power conditioner/powerbar
Mainly Monster IC's and speaker cable
Behringer DEQ2496
Harmon Kardon AVR7200
Harmon Kardon DVD25
Toshiba 72mx195 DLP HDTV

Due to lack of funds I have been using the HK AVR as a preamp and the DVD player as a CD player. The sound is a little forward unless I tame it with the EQ. I don't want to worry about any room treatment for now because I am moving in July. For the biggest sound improvement, which would you replace first, pre or source?

I listen to almost everything and like a warm sound. I am hoping you will all agree to replace the DVD with a CD player first simply because it will be less expensive. I am thinking tubes for the preamp when I do the swap.

Any suggestions?
Thank you.

Larry H
oops... a dollar figure WOULD help. I was hoping to stick below a thousand for a CD player. I realize a good used pre will run me between 2 and 3K, and I really shouldn't spend that much till I sell my house and know where I stand.

I've been thinking about a Cambridge azur 630c (I believe that's the right model, it's their highest end anyway), but I just don't know if it is really all that great or if I would hear much improvment.

What do you think?

Mrtennis, I guess my perception of warm is slightly laid back, nothing popping out, not really super clean but clear. I find a super clean sound throughout the spectrum too revealing and almost sterile, not musical. Warm to me is perhaps almost compressed, for lack of a better word, in the mids and midhighs. I run analog cables and it sounds warmer to me than fibre. The bass feels thicker. I can't really describe it any other way.

There you go again Mrtennis, making me think again
If your CDP has a digital out, I too would recommend adding a DAC. Audio Mirror, Scott Nixon, Audio Note, Bel Canto, and others make excellent DACs that are under $1000 (some at half that price), and you can get a good digital IC for $100. I think you will get better performance value from the component if going this route, and it also allows you the flexibility to run a hard drive-based system if you so choose.

Hope that helps.
Three reasons:
1. you can always get your money out when you resell!
2. you can get one with a digital volume control and run it directly into the MC-352
3. synergy between mac amp & mac CD player

I've personal experience with the Mac players. They're really nice, round, warm, lush sounding, altho not detail champs. But I think you'll be greatly pleased with the sound.

Seen several MCD7008's for sale in the $7-900 range.

Just my $.02 (and you know that free advice is worth what you pay for it!)
I am using the MC352 with-
McCormack ALD-1 pre
Perpetual Technologies- P1/P3 & Monolithic combo
Sony DVD as a transport
PS Audio P300

Would suggest you look at the McIntosh MCD201 which would provide you with a pre and a source. You could keep the amp and your speakers, then sell the rest to help fund the new purchase. McIntosh also has a new pre (tube) the C220 if you want to go that route.

If you decide to go one piece at a time-Demo a PS Audio power plant and a DAC to hear for yourself if the change is to your liking.

Best of luck!