New Product......Intelligent Box

Has anyone tried these yet?
>>Somebody explain it to me please?<<

Fat chance.

Most of us are still waiting for the pebbles and clock explanation.

The guy ducks, bobs, and weaves like a championship prizefighter.

Sugar Ray Snakeoil.
Whoops, sorry...actually the vendor site has info about their intelligent chip but nothing about the intelligent box, which is different though maybe each is attempting to solve the same problem ( I should read more carefully I suppose)????

I'm so confused.... I think I give up on this topic and will resign my self to living with my CDs the way they are.

And I consider myself a fairly technically savvy person, especially when it comes to bits and bytes. I can even do numeric base conversions when needed! Impressive, huh?
CALL GOLDEN SOUND...THEY WILL EXPLAIN TO YOU. Thats if you care how it really works.

I think you need to ponder much more bigger and important things. I still don't have an answer for how nothing in the universe decided to turn into a super massive rock and one day blow up in thought of making man.

Public schools are peddling this stuff and theres nothing of any sort to prove or make sense of it. But yet many believe it with out any challenge.

I want to know how man became and not how a chip upgrades a cd????
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I don't have an answer for many things....this is one of the less important issues in my mind.

I do find the discussion here most fascinating though!

And, I've actually thought of a way that zapping a disc COULD improve the sound. I haven't determined though that this is what the MD product does or not though yet.

I will need to read some more....maybe there's a new patent and some money to be made in here somewhere!