Responses from audioguy85
Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject I do not understand why people find it such a hassle to walk on over to a high quality cd transport or player and insert a good old fashion cd. To me, all this hi res this and that is not needed and just complicates things. At some point, it does ... | |
Audio nonsense Put every conceivable thing on springs, because I said so.... | |
Decisive moments your your audio journey Yea, going with pure Class A and Tannoy... | |
Survey on Cost of Loudspeakers Supported On Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums Stands spiked through carpet to solid concrete seems to work just fine for me, I'll save my money and buy even more records. | |
Great speaker sounds terrible in my room? Who has 10 feet to spare to set up speakers in this way? Not me...anyhow, I agree with previous posters/respondents, move the speakers closer to back wall. | |
Do you trust your system? There is NO system that sounds real...or is truth telling. All you can achieve is a reasonable, if that, facsimile of what was recorded. The only difference between one system to another is they all sound different. Like a dog chasing his tail or ... | |
Inexpensive speaker cables: any experience? Qed silver Anniversary cable is hard to beat for a "relatively" cheap cable. I've used their bi wire caes for years, sound good to me. | |
Question about Class A The Sugden a21se is $3250, not certain where you are seeing an a21 for $2500. They do not go on sale. Any how, I love my A21se, best amp I ever owned. Yea, it gets hot, big deal. The trade off is holographic euphoric liquid sound. Nothing I’ve tri... | |
How many systems do you have? One, unless my home theater counts. If I lived in a McMansion maybe I’d have another. As it is, I need a second house just for my records. | |
Question about Bi-Wiring My thoughts are as follows, If the speaker is bi wireable, then do it. Tannoy designs their higher tier speakers to be bi wired, and it is in the user manual. I have used Audioquest type 4 cables, two pair, to accomplish this. To me, it just sound... | |
How long ago did you catch the bug? 13 years old, it's been a fun ride...I pretty much have all I ever wanted In a system which includes a Sugden A21 class A integrated, Tannoy Legacy Eaton, Avid Ingenium, Tavish Design Classic phono preamp, Rothwell & Jensen SUT's, Cyrus Cdt, M... | |
Best Bang for the Buck Upgrade Judging from your system, I see no mention of a turntable. If it were me, I'd throw the money at a nice turntable from maybe Avid or Origin Live, along with a nice tubed phono preamp like a Tavish design Adagio. | |
Audiogon is becoming the hub for scammers. That is why there is feedback, unless of course that too is made up or scam... | |
CD transport vs.streaming Any issues with your Cyrus CDT? I just bought one... | |
Pro Tip: Swiffer Duster Don't forget the rubber bands and springs, we must not forget the springs.... |