Responses from audiokinesis
Recommendatios? "Will take [jsautter’s] advice and get some local expert input on getting the room right before moving on."Kudos to you for going to an expert for advice on room acoustics!If you don’t find someone locally, may I suggest Jeff Hedback of Hedback De... | |
Dual vs single sub @phusis wrote, about the distributed multi-sub approach: "... not drawing on the potential benefit of high-passing the mains (from ~80Hz or so on up to make the most of it."The distributed multi-sub approach has nothing to do with whether or not t... | |
Recommendatios? "Large room (20 × 40 x 10). Audio at one end with speakers facing side wall."I’m envisioning speakers along the 40 foot wall but at one end of the room. So when you sit in the "sweet spot", it sounds to me like there’s a wall to one side, but a wh... | |
Kii3 loudspeakers "Duke, I take it that you have heard the Dutch and Dutch 8c and you like what you hear. Are there any other stand mounts with dip and internal amps that you would care to comment on?"I've not heard the Dutch & Dutch 8c but based on my understa... | |
Dual vs single sub "If we agree with Duke's statement that 2 subs in a room provides twice the bass smoothness of 1 sub and 4 subs in a room provides twice the bass smoothness of 2 subs..."I was paraphrasing my mentor, Earl Geddes. Not only does the frequency resp... | |
Dual vs single sub "I’ll take the stereo bass. It sounds better."If you would be willing to list some recordings that do have true stereo bass, I would appreciate it very much. I would really like to try some known-stereo-bass recordings on my system and see how th... | |
Dual vs single sub "I don’t believe that virtually all CDs have bass frequencies summed."That’s okay. I didn’t either and argued with Earl about it. I forget the details of what he said but he had been sufficiently thorough in his investigation to change my mind. It... | |
Dual vs single sub "I don’t believe it. No offense to you personally."Could you clarify? What exactly do you not believe? And, no offense to you personally either. | |
Dual vs single sub "The Ford Motor Company?"Ford hired Dr. Earl Geddes as a consultant. One of the questions he wanted to know the answer to was how common is it for CD's to have stereo bass content. He asked everyone in the department to bring in their CD's. Aft... | |
Image/soundstage and punch/bass "Are there speakers out there (new or used) in the $2,500 price range that have the image and soundstage of Magnepan (my current set up is MG12s) but the punch and bass for rock/hip hop type music?"You might look into bipolar speakers, like the Mi... | |
Kii3 loudspeakers "the kii takes the degradation caused by room acoustics out of the equation making it appear as though its a better speaker."If the room is what degrades the sound of otherwise good speakers, then taking room effects out of the equation may be the... | |
Kii3 loudspeakers "The kii cheats by using dsp to fix room problems."Among other things, the Kii uses DSP to generate a cardioid radiation pattern which helps minimize room problems in the first place. I don’t see how this could reasonably be called "cheating". Imo... | |
Kii3 loudspeakers I forgot to give reasons for suggesting the Dutch & Dutch.Like the Kii, it is a very thorough design. In addition to what frostdotcom posted, I really like the waveguide that Dutch & Dutch uses for pattern control. As one who has mulled o... | |
Kii3 loudspeakers I would also look at the Dutch & Dutch 8c. Duke | |
Speakers for restaurant I would think that you'd want fairly uniform coverage over as much of the area as you can reasonably get. Mirage speakers come to mind. They are quasi-omnidirectional, and so they give good coverage over a very wide area. Duke |