
Responses from audiokinesis

Dual vs single sub
"Duke had told him OB/Dipole subs would be a better choice for use with his loudspeakers.""when I told Duke what drivers I was going to use he said mine will kill his."Okay that’s it. I’m firing my marketing department!!Seriously thank you both, a... 
Dual vs single sub
Several posts above I wrote: "your four subs only approximate a line source; each sub still behaves as an omnidirectional point source."Presumably in response, mijostyn wrote: "4 subs at 4 foot intervals with the outer two in corners does not appr... 
Dual vs single sub
"The best you can hope to do in any enclosed space approximating a livable room is to control primary reflections and since they have the most energy that represents 90% of the battle."I disagree with this statement as far as the bass region goes.... 
New Gallo Strata's sound like tin-cans: break-in time problem?
Thanks for clarifying. 
New Gallo Strata's sound like tin-cans: break-in time problem?
Maybe it’s none of my beeswax, but 200 hours seems like a stretch. That’s over six hours a day every day for a month. You might want to contact Gallo directly for a second opinion. I would never tell a customer it will take that long for his new s... 
New Gallo Strata's sound like tin-cans: break-in time problem?
Maximoam85 wrote: "almarg: suggestion is a good diagnostic but I am hesitant for fear of invalidating the warranty (they are new speakers) and/or damaging the speakers."The 1.5 volts almarg suggested translates to less than 3/10ths of a watt into ... 
Dual vs single sub
Editing timed out before I could fix one sentence; here’s how it should read: "The array you described only tries to provide significant smoothing in one dimension, and it primarily does so at one end of the room (your four subs only approximate a... 
Dual vs single sub
"If you create a linear array very little energy disperses off the top and bottom or in this case to the side walls minimizing that interaction."The array you described only tries to provide significant smoothing in one dimension, and it primarily... 
Dual vs single sub
"One question concerning 4 subs - How are they connected to the amp?"The amp I supply with the Swarm is the Dayton Audio SA-1000, part number 300-811 at Parts Express.It has a single channel of amplification but two sets of output binding posts wi... 
Dual vs single sub
mijostyn wrote: "I think Noble is on the right path here..."And I think you’re on the right path too. Your idea for spacing four subwoofers along the front wall will greatly improve their interaction with that end of the room.But here’s the thing:... 
Looking for speaker recommendations
@darrenmc posted something very specific:"I am looking for a greater soundstage and bottom end slam while maintaining the clarity of the PMC’s."Within the context of his 15 x 12 foot room, I’d like to explore what might result in a "greater sounds... 
picking speakers (and electronics) for a relatively large room - new
I concur with AudioTroy’s assessment that high dynamic range and a lot of low-frequency air-moving capability would be really nice to have in gryphonite’s situation. Legacy’s large floor-standing speakers have these characteristics. And as AudioTr... 
The most important factor in soundstage imaging
"Forgot to add that a real enemy of speakers are crossovers which is why single driver speakers, when kept within its frequency comfort zones, are so good. All crossovers are problems, even the best first-order ones. It truly is like polishing a t... 
Home made treatment to reduce Bass bloom or resonance in a room?
I suggest you engage the services of a professional acoustician.  The reason is, this is the sort of endeavor where knowledge and expertise will make far more of a difference than how much money you can throw at the problem.  I have largely stoppe... 
The most important factor in soundstage imaging
Phomchick wrote: "The single most important factor in audio stereo imaging, is increasing direct radiation and decreasing reflected radiation, by moving the speakers away from the back wall, and away from the side walls."I would agree that minimiz...