Responses from audiokinesis
Small drivers vs big drivers Kosst, thank you for your reply. You are absolutely correct that I was not clear about what I meant by "good radiation pattern control". First, I like for the pattern to be uniform over as much of the spectrum as is reasonably feasible, at least i... | |
Small drivers vs big drivers Kosst: "I hate to break it to you, but you’re wrong about radiation patterns."That’s possible. I’m not infallible.Would you mind pointing out exactly what I said wrong about radiation patterns? I think it’s fair for me to ask that so I can take an... | |
Small drivers vs big drivers Kosst, of course we can compare arrays of smaller drivers vs large drivers."Array" is a rather open-ended term. How big is your array? Line array? J-array? Splayed array? Arrays can get pretty big and pretty sophisticated.So let’s do an actual app... | |
Klipsch!. The worst speaker company, EVER? @mrdecibel wrote: "Interesting that he is saying " if you like female vocal, like Diana Krall, or other female vocals like her, I can see using this speaker ". So he's saying these Klipsh speakers, with their horn midrange and horn tweeter, are g... | |
Small drivers vs big drivers Kosst, I think you are resorting to straw-man arguments; that is, putting words into the mouths of those you disagree with in order to make them appear foolish.I design speakers having what you would probably call "giant drivers". The primary reas... | |
Amplifier design parameters required for a good match for high (16+) ohm speakers? As long as the amplifier has enough power that it won’t be clipping into the 16 ohm load, it should work just fine, unless there is some other mis-match going on.I have made speakers that are user-configurable as either a 4 ohm load or a 16 ohm lo... | |
Who are some of elite sub woofers? Those Morels sure look like magnificent woofers. I've never owned one, but have admired them greatly from afar.Duke | |
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy? @shadorne wrote: "There are only a few audiophiles today who understand what a big speaker with large 15” woofers and 4” voice coils can do and even fewer who are willing to pay the price in terms of poor WAF and transport logistical headaches!"A... | |
Small drivers vs big drivers mzkmxcz wrote: "Soundstage is the off-axis of the speaker."Well, I have a somewhat different opinion:A wider radiation pattern results in early sidewall reflections which increase the apparent image width. This is usually judged to be a pleasing e... | |
Bypass capacitor questions @teo_audio, very interesting information! I'm going to apply it in my next high-end audio crossover build. Suppose you have a situation where you must use multiple capacitors to arrive at the desired value. Based on your comments, I presume t... | |
Who are some of elite sub woofers? bdp24 wrote: "I understand the subs in a swarm design all reproduce a combined left plus right (monaural) signal, even on material containing stereo bass (rare, but not unheard of). Is that correct?"That’s normally true of the system I make. The a... | |
Who are some of elite sub woofers? Awoof, one possibility since you already have a sub, is to add a few more. In a distributed multi-sub setup, the subs need not be identical. It is perfectly fine to have one or two that go significantly deeper than the others. If you go this ... | |
Who are some of elite sub woofers? tomic601 wrote: "for those of us with powered bass bass and EQ built into our mains, when adding a sub w EQ we get most IF not all the benefits of swarm..."Are you describing a system with two fullrange equalized main speakers plus an equalized su... | |
Electrostatic pros and cons. @erik_squires , I use measurements every time I design a speaker, which is fairly often. Sometimes there is a discrepancy between my observations and the measurements, and in those cases I try to find the explanations. I remember my first attempt ... | |
Electrostatic pros and cons. "I think we are debating technology and not the sound."I thought I was responding to critiques of the measured response of some electrostats. But Audiogon is not a technical forum, so perhaps I should have just said "that’s not how some of them s... |