
Responses from audiokinesis

Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?
Exlibris wrote: "Thanks Duke. I’ve been thinking of doing that, at your suggestion, and have been looking at the Townshend maximum supertweeters."I’d look primarily at adding some rear-firing energy from about 12 kHz to about 20 kHz... the Fostex ... 
Open Baffles with Subwoofers
The Fostex FE87E has a small cone and modest x-max. On an open baffle with no protective highpass filter, the math says it starts to go non-linear at about 7/10ths of a watt at 200 Hz, and at about 2/10ths of a watt at 100 Hz and below. In other w... 
Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?
Exlibris wrote: "The reason I’m interested in making a change is not because adding subs threw off the balance, it’s because I find the speakers to be a bit "sleepy." You might try a rear-firing tweeter to add a little bit more top-end energy to t... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
Hi Tim,Thank you for posting your experiences! Very interesting!I haven’t come across any insurmountable integration issues, but there have been occasional challenges. Integrating with a system that was horn loaded allegedly down to 80 Hz did pres... 
Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?
"I’ve had Audio Notes for the past 7 years and haven’t found anything yet to replace them. Maybe I never will."I always thought the big Audio Note’s had a delicious richness about them that really stood out from the crowd. One could easily get tot... 
Technology in speakers....
"If you had say $7k to spend would you pick a 10 yrs $15-18k speaker or a newer $7-10k speaker?"At the risk of stating the obvious, I'd pick the speaker most likely to have the characteristics I was looking for.  In other words, I suggest making t... 
Audition Your Speakers Online!?
Imo the Crutchfield system does some things really well and some things not so well.  The differences you hear between one speaker and another on their site are pretty small.  There's a reason for that, which I'll keep to myself for now because I ... 
Speaker Bass Port Bungs
If they are round ports, you might google "expandable test plug".   It's a plumbing part.  That's what I use.  Duke 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
noble100 wrote:  " Duke somehow compensates for this so that the in-room bass response is flatter and more accurate but I'm not certain of exactly how he does this."According to Martin Colloms and several others, "typical" room gain is about 3 dB ... 
Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?
Thank you both!  Is it okay if I publicly agree with your opinions???Cheers,Duke 
Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?
Thank you very much, Ralph and exlibris.I don't really have any speakers that meet mitch2's requirements.  My "fullrange" speakers go deeper than 40-50 Hz, and my "made to be used with subs" speakers cut off higher than that, in anticipation of th... 
Speaker With Least Room Interaction
Amp + speakers + room = a "system within a system". Imo they should all work well together. The speakers are "in the middle" in this paradigm, so they need to work well with the amp (usually not too difficult) and also with the room (often quite d... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
"Getting that done WELL, but with subs, IMHO is for experts."Then there must be a lot of experts out there, because an awful lot of people have done it.And somewhat counter-intuitively, the more subs the easier it is, because the location of any o... 
Tight bass sub recommendations
"Everything HiFi is a compromise."Amen brother!!And I agree with you that 105 Hz is usually too high for something like a Swarm.  I try to avoid letting the subs run up any higher than 80 Hz for exactly the reason you describe.There is a technique... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
"Xilica XP-3060 digital XO... isn't detrimental in regards to transparency"Thanks for posting this, as I like to have options.  Looks like it's between two and three times the price of the subwoofer amp that I use, but that would be okay in some s...