
Responses from audiokinesis

‘modern’, ‘mainstream’ speakers—too many models converging towards too similar a sound
Teo wrote: " room and digital speaker correction does not fix this. "Does not fix this. "Does not fix this."Agreed!!Nor can DEQ fix radiation pattern anomalies.  How many audio shows have you done where you spend three expensive days... 
‘modern’, ‘mainstream’ speakers—too many models converging towards too similar a sound
Kosst_amojan wrote: "I’ve never heard or read where anybody of authority suggested wide baffle speakers image as well or better than narrow to no baffle speakers. The unavoidably suffer from artifacts relating to edge diffusion and the more pronou... 
‘modern’, ‘mainstream’ speakers—too many models converging towards too similar a sound
@blueranger said: "There’s lots of tower speakers around. I wonder if they are trying to follow consumer trends by having a small footprint?"I’m pretty sure that’s it. I think it’s a symptom of a world in which listening to recorded music is a muc... 
Songs for Speaker Placement
Hmmm.  Wasn't "Songs for Speaker Placement" a Wayne Brady segment from "Whose Line Is It Anyway" ??Seriously, I second newbee's recommendation of Opus 3's "Depth of Image".  Duke 
One speaker observation from the New York Hifi show.
@twoleftears wrote: "Almost without exception, if you pull the speakers further out, you’ll get a greater depth of soundstage."Yup!As a rough first approximation, I have found that the apparent soundstage depth is often about twice the distance fr... 
Speakers positionning
@rvpiano wrote: "I was just at the New York Hifi show, and perhaps because of the size of the rooms, all speakers were toed in, most severely. The result was very little precise imaging. Everything tended to come from one central spot between the ... 
Speakers positionning
Suppose we have hotel room + no room treament + extreme (45 degrees) toe-in. Recipe for disaster, especially when it comes to imaging and soundstaging, right? Here are some online comments about such rooms. From RMAF 2013: “Just amazing. This feel... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
@erik_squires , love your self-portrait, man!  Now if you ever wander into my room at an audio show, I'll recognize you instantly.Duke 
Austin Acoustic horns
@austinacoustic , will you be showing at Lone Star 2019?  Duke 
Speakers positionning
@geoffkait wrote: "the best soundstage along with everything else can ONLY be achieved using a foolproof method... The better the room is treated for acoustic anomalies the better success you will have."Do you think it makes sense to design speake... 
Speakers positionning
@geoffkait wrote:"Most speakers will produce the best soundstage, frequency response, dynamics when pointing straight ahead, with no toe in or very little toe in."Agreed, for "most speakers". Well I’m not sure it makes much difference in dynamics.... 
Speakers positionning
I use 45 degrees of toe-in regularly, with speakers that are designed for it. The speaker axes criss-cross in front of the sweet spot.  Ime several advantage accrue, including a wider sweet spot, deeper soundstage, reduced coloration, and more con... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Just FYI, the Lone Star Audio Fest is in early May, and its location is less than half an hour from McKinney.  Wayne Parham of Pi Speakers is a regular there.  He's the founder of the show.  I'm about twenty minutes east of McKinney in Princeton, ... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
@recluse wrote: “I for one would be very interested in Duke from AudioKinesis discussing soundstage in a large *and small* room.” Imo the main problem in small rooms, as far as soundstaging goes, is the quick arrival times for the reflections, es... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Thank you gene3x. I’m going to focus on big issues in this post; nothing against refinements, but imo the big issues need to be addressed first. So here is the big issue when it comes to trying to get a good soundstage across a wide listening ar...