
Responses from audiokinesis

Greenhorn question: Beware!
Sorry, sometimes my inner nerd takes control.  Lemme try that last post again, this time in English:You probably won't blow anything up by running the exciters in series with the speakers, as long as you don't turn the volume control up too high. ... 
Greenhorn question: Beware!
"Is a 4 ohm exciter speaker and a 6 ohm woofer box, wired in series (total 10 ohm) connected to an 8 ohm output amp OK? "It’s "OK" in the sense that, AS LONG AS as you don’t push your amp into clipping and/or push the speaker or exciter beyond the... 
Greenhorn question: Beware!
"Another thing -- the crossovers inside the speakers are engineered based on the expected impedance of the following driver (i.e. low-pass coil circuit for a single woofer). If you tack on a second speaker in series, the impedance in that frequenc... 
Greenhorn question: Beware!
"Avoid using a series connection! Damping of both speakers by the amp is degraded!"This is a misconception. Unfortunately it was printed in a JBL white paper on car audio, so the myth has persisted. And on the surface it seems to make sense.If you... 
"Now with the computer design tools available, a TL can be designed on the computer and perform as predicted."I believe you, having been amazed at the performance of speakers by Bob Brines, who I understand licensed your software back when it was ... 
"The music was sooooo much better. Big cars, big hair, big LP jackets that I could look for hidden pictures and read without a magnifying glass, big amps and speakers producing huge sound."I miss my big hair.My daughter decorates the wall of her a... 
@mjking57, wow.  Thank you for sharing this much specific information  and top-level advice.  Wish I still had time for prototyping TL's like I did back in the 70's and 80's. Duke 
bdp24 said, "[Duke’s] approach of making speakers that are built to handle the demands of a full-range signal ignores one of the major benefits of high-pass filtering---removing the low frequencies from not just the speaker, but also the amp drivi... 
@yogiboy wrote: "Many people that use a sub run the speakers full range without the high pass option!"I'm one of those people.I remember trying to find a sufficiently transparent highpass filter for my tweaked-out Quad 63’s, which sat atop matchin... 
Speed kills....
@inna wrote:  "I don't like in your face sound of horns but I understand that's not the case."There are a LOT of things I don't like about many horns!  In-your-face sound, tiny sweet spot, cupped-hands, and being the obvious source of the sounds y... 
Speed kills....
@inna asked: "Could you explain in general terms your rationale behind choosing those particular drivers for the least expensive model, forgot the name, the one with big woofer and compression driver?"I use big prosound woofers and compression dri... 
2.5 or 3 way; why one over the other?
Different approaches for different goals. Let's assume we're comparing at the same price point so that it's apples-to-apples in that respect at least.  2.5 way will typically move more air (play louder and/or have better bass) because more of your... 
In search for speakers of "natural" sound
Typo that I didn’t catch in time; missed an "R": "SPECTAL CONTENT" should have been "SPECTRAL CONTENT". 
Seeking listening help in Austin area
@geoffkait , It looks like I misunderstood what you meant by "twice the volume".  It can mean "subjectively twice as loud", which is generally considered to be +10 dB.   That's now I'd normally use the term.But it can also mean "equivalent to doub... 
Seeking listening help in Austin area
Hi Spencer,I'm afraid that you do not get as much SPL increase from moving closer to the SoundLabs as you do with conventional speakers.  Likewise you do not get as much SPL decrease as you move further away.The reason is, the big SoundLabs do a g...