
Responses from audiokinesis

What you can say about lowbass and midbass perfomance for high end loudspeakers ?
@bache wrote:"Actually more important the cone moving mass , in pro line the using big size cone like Eminence Omega Pro 15A 15" driver with 94 gram."The Omega Pro 15A is an excellent woofer, and as you point out its moving mass is not very high. ... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
I was in the room next to Volti for several years at RMAF, where Greg was showing the Vittoras.  Magnificent speakers.  Being a competitor I really wanted to hear "something wrong": with them, and utterly failed. Kudos to Greg Roberts for his spea... 
Down side of speaker swop from AZ to Tonian Labs ?
I mean absolutely no disrespect to Acoustic Zen, but imo Tony Minasian is a wizard. I honestly do not know how he gets the results he does. Every speaker of his that I have heard sounded rich and warm and lively and totally non-fatiguing, and it d... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
@phusis wrote:  " but in any event I find singling out particular horn geometries as "the best" to be more of a marketing ploy to boost business than a marker of the diversity of great sounding horns out there."My statement about the Oblate Sphero... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
@gawdbless and @d2girls, you might also want to check out Room 542, where Peter Noerbaek (of PBN) will be showing his M2!5’s... same horn and compression driver as the JBL M2, but TWO of the M2’s woofers, if I understand correctly. My guess is tha... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
One of the things that is usually impractical to evaluate if you have limited time is, whether or not a speaker will remain relaxing and non-fatiguing over the long run. I’d like to suggest a way to check for this relatively quickly. Assuming a sp... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
Ooops, sorry gawdbless! My mistake. Must be getting old.I miss my memories... I think. Duke 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
@d2girls asked: "what horns will be in room 3002?"One of mine, a new model making its debut. It’s called the Azel Stand Mount, and it’s not up on my website yet. 12" midwoofer, 1" throat Beryllium-diaphragm compression driver on a 15" SEOS wavegui... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
Love the topic! Thank you Eric!!Most horns are designed with acoustic amplification as the top priority. A few are designed with low coloration as the top priority, Some of those have the potential of imaging well. I’ve been working with horns and... 
What do you consider the most musical speakers—$15000 & under
@d2girls said, "This will be a unpopular opinion, but for me it's the JBL 4367"Obviously you listen with your ears rather than your eyes, something that is almost becoming a lost art.  Most audiophiles wouldn't begin to give the 4367 a fair chance... 
@rauliruegas wrote: "The main reason to integrates a pair of self sealed ( not vented ) powered subs in true stereo fashion along any passive main speaker in a home audio system is to reduce IMD in the speaker/system and you can achieve that main ... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
Back on August 31st I posted that "getting the reverberant field right" matters if rich and natural-sounding timbre is a high priority. I think there was a fair amount of skepticism, with @prof expressing it well back on September 8th: "I’ve never... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
@fleschler  wrote:  "I couldn't imagine the speakers at a 45/45 angle towards me."I can understand that that's just too much visual weirdness for some people.The first photo in this show report is taken from well off to one side of the centerline.... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
@fleshler mentioned his "10 foot wide good sound criteria."There is an unorthodox technique which can give you good tonal balance over a wide area, and even pretty good soundstaging, though the soundstaging will still be best up and down the cente... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
@prof wrote: "But when I auditioned [the DeVore O/96] several times against a bunch of more "neutral" speakers, sure some of the defects were likely there in the mix, but not remotely to the overriding audibility the nay-sayers make you fear, and ...