
Responses from audiokinesis

Speaker Recommendation: 20K range
"Jbl 4367"Yup! 
Speaker Recommendation: 20K range
Thank you, clio09!  I had forgotten that!! 
Speaker Recommendation: 20K range
Hi chandybe,The SoundLabs mentioned by Kalali are magnificent. I say that as a longtime owner and dealer. Currently I’m currently neither, but would consider it the highest compliment if someone said my speakers were "almost as good as the SoundLa... 
Green Mountain Audio Chroma HX
Kenjit said, "Actually yes I am averse because I know what your motive is for asking me about my room which is to then blame the room and discredit me."I think you just discredited yourself yet again.And how about the amp? Are you afraid to divulg... 
Accuracy vs. musicality
This past weekend I showed a speaker at RMAF that incorporates an unusual amount of adjustability.Its frequency response curve can be "accurate" (approximately flat), or it can be "something else".A significantly "something else" curve was preferr... 
Green Mountain Audio Chroma HX
Kenjit, when you ignore reasonable requests for relevant information that could undermine your position, it starts to look like you have an agenda (aside from your pattern of attacking Green Mountain Audio on this site, as shown by a glance at you... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
The best imaging I have ever heard from a well-off-centerline listening location was with the fully horn loaded ESD speakers at RMAF last weekend.  Very narrow-pattern horns (even the bass was horn loaded).  The center image was extremely solid an... 
Green Mountain Audio Chroma HX
"I just upgraded from the chroma 2 to the HX version of the GMA RIO . The results were amazing!! much better cohesion across the frequency spectrum . The detail was also improved. I have owned many highly rated speakers and none of them come close... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
@phusis wrote (in a reply to me):"my main gripe comes with questioning the usefulness, in some instances at least, of knowing about minutiae design "tech details" and how these are convertible into or relate to actual perceived sound. The designer... 
 @rauliruegas , I agree with you 100%!  In audio always exist trade-offs!Duke 
Bookshelf + sub vs. floorstanding
@gdnrbob said:  "I think the Vandy subs will be a better integration than the HSU's- which are running parallel to the speakers, so there is some overlap, which I think muddies the sound."If you have a phase control on the Hsu's, you may be able t... 
@rauliruegas wrote:  "In my case was a : " win to win ".That's GREAT!Using a very-high-quality cap in series with the amp's input as a high-pass filter is probably the most transparent highpass filter format.The theoretically possible downside is,... 
@rauliruegas said, "I just can’t imagine any situation in a passive design speakers where subs can’t help to lower speakers IMD that comes with additional benefits as lowering the speakers THD and gives the amps to works way better when are libera... 
Bookshelf + sub vs. floorstanding
In my opinion the "bookshelf + sub" format arguably has greater potential because of the greater low-end extension/output/flexibility that you get with separate subs.  But the specifics matter - most "bookshelf" speakers are designed to have accep... 
What you can say about lowbass and midbass perfomance for high end loudspeakers ?
@bache wrote: "I agree,, except one thing, like i say before, To get low bass like 30 -40 Hz using Omega Pro 15" woofer you need box very big 5-6 Cubic Feet . You can listen nice bass with smaller enclosure , but never get really low bass."Very tr...